Hong Kong Observatory Apps

MyObservatory (我的天文台)
Hong Kong Observatory
The “MyObservatory” is one of the most popularweather app providing location-specific weather service in HongKong. If permission is granted to determine user’s location,temperature, relative humidity, rainfall, wind direction and speed,as well as weather photograph collected from nearby weatherstations will be displayed. “My Location Settings” is introducedsince version 4.0.0. In the “My Location Settings”, users can optfor using the automatic location service provided by thesmartphone, or designating “My Location” on the map themselves.This location will be displayed on the main page and in “My WeatherReport”. The meteorological data displayed on the same page isprovided by meteorological stations nearby, and is not necessarilyfrom a station in the same region. In case meteorological data isnot available from nearby stations, data from other meteorologicalstations at headquarter of the Observatory, King’s Park, and StarFerry will be used instead. Meanwhile, “Hong Kong Observatory” willbe used as “My Location”.Please note that:1. Although the “MyObservatory” is a free app, user will be chargedby their mobile network service provider on the use of dataservice. These charges can become very expensive on roaming. Pleaseensure that the option of “Data Roaming” have been disabled in thesettings of your mobile devices. Meanwhile, the app requires user’sauthorization on: “full network access”, “view networkconnections”, “view Wi-Fi connections” to download weather dataover the Internet.2. The estimated location provided by the mobile device may bedeviated from your actual location. Meanwhile, owing to thedissimilarity in altitude and topography between user’s locationand weather station, weather information displayed may be differentfrom the actual conditions.3. Use of location-based rain forecast notification will increasethe battery usage and data download.4. To allow user to get hold to important weather information suchas weather warning, Special Weather Tips, location-based rainforecast, etc., the “MyObservatory” would automatically notifyusers the above information according to user’s settings. Thisfeature requires user’s authorization on “run at startup”.
Hong Kong Observatory
'MyWorldWeather' is an app, providing officialweather forecast and climatological information for over 1,800cities worldwide. It is now available on Android platformssupporting ten languages, viz. Arabic, Chinese, English, French,German, Italian, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, and Spanish.‘MyWorldWeather’ is a smartphone version of the World WeatherInformation Service (WWIS) website,which is the first websitepresenting official weather information on selected cities providedby National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHSs)worldwide.WWIS aims to provide authoritative and reliable weatherinformation from the authoritative NMHSs internet users andmedia.The WWIS website was developed and maintained by the HongKong Observatory (HKO) on behalf of the World MeteorologicalOrganization (WMO). With collaboration of other members of the WMO,the WWIS is now available in ten language versions.WWIS website: http://worldweather.wmo.int/Keywords: "World Weather", "My World Weather", "Weather"